Mother’s Day Shenanigans! brewed up heavy emotions in the last few days as we took our magnificent audience on a joyous ride celebrating all that made up Mother’s Day!

Celebrations were kicked off 2 weeks ago, as we went back in time to understand the historical beginnings of this occasion in ‘There’s More To Mother’s Day’, presented to us by a guest blogger, Naomi Shaw.

We turned philosophical as we realized that the journey of motherhood with all its joys and pains carries on from one generation to the next, and that is ‘The Circle Of Motherhood’. Changing perspectives, next we tried to understand what mothers felt about this day. We recognized that ‘For A Mom, Every Day Is Mother’s Day’!

‘Mom, We Are Inseparable’ acknowledges the ever-lasting connection between a mother and her child. The safety of a Mother’s womb lasts even after birth, as a child is protected by a mother against all odds.

Getting our Facebook/ Twitter viewers into the action, we asked them what they thought was the best part of being a mother. We got some lovely responses!

“Coming home to their happy faces at the end of a long day.” – Jackie Stainback

“Got a life post my child was born. It has been the most beautiful chapter of my life. In the midst of all the stress and problems that one smile has always kept me going. She is the anchor of my life. I know there is someone I can always go back to. Someone who is waiting for me and I will never be alone. My daughter is my best friend. Motherhood is a blessing that comes in the form of your child.” – Anushree Karnani

“Loving, Caring, Sharing, Faithfulness, more love, kissing and hugging.” – Carol Bankston

“Knowing that your life means something to someone… the little ones becomes the sweet reasons to live!” – Shreeja Jhawar

“Everything!” – Ursula Grinage

“Having three beautiful sons!” – Caroline Petties

Instagrammers were asked for that ONE word that describes their mom best! This montage highlights some of the words shared with us!


Here’s to all the Mother-like figures in our lives who inspire us to be a better person every day! Happy Mother’s Day!

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