Romance is all about passion. The alchemical relationship between two people in love is spiked by the amount of fun and excitement they bring into each other’s life. Often long term relationships suffer from a lack of enthusiasm and become redundant.
Boredom sets in and gradually the lovebirds suffocate each other with predictable expectations and reactions. The spark is what goes missing in a relationship which has managed to withstand time and other mighty challenges.
A couple living in New York, married for over 30 years, still share a loving and stimulating relationship. They share that every night no matter what goes on in their life during the day, they cuddle together and sleep after sharing a joke or two and laughing together at the misadventures and absurdities which present themselves on a daily basis.
“We take life easy,” shared another couple who have fun walking together and out beating each other at the joggers’ park.
“My wife whispers ‘I love you’ in my ears when I am getting mad at trivial things at home. Her hugs and expressions bring an instant smile on my face,” shares a man who’s been married for almost 15 years.
“Each day I open my mail box to a love filled greeting sent by my boyfriend whenever he is on his official tours. It makes me feel special and wanted,” shares a woman who’s been living in with her boyfriend for over 7 years.
More than 40% of the new marriages end in divorce. A romantic and stable relationship is important for our well being. It is upon us to cultivate a comfortable relationship. What is needed is to instill some fun element into the equation and everything is sorted.
Share the fun things you do as a couple and participate in bringing a positive change in the lives of many out there who seem to be dragging a dry and dull partnership.
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